Wearable RFID Reader for Object Tracking and Interactions


An important part of developing VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented reality) technology is the incorporation of everyday object identification and interaction. One way that this can be done is to equip objects with IMUs and sensors for tracing interactions. However, deploying such sensors to hundreds of objects would become expensive and make objects bulkier.
A cheaper solution would be to use RFID tags, which are lightweight inexpensive stickers that can be programmed with unique IDs.

Then, stationary RFID readers are used with those tagged objects to determine the object's ID and relative location over time. However, this solution would not work when attempting to solve problems with object interactions in complex environments due to the following:

  • If the tagged object goes out of range, the reader can no longer detect how the object is moving
  • If the tagged object gets blocked by another object (interference), the reader can no longer accurately detect
  • A stationary reader can only determine how an object moves, not if it's been interacted by a user.

Therefore, this project implements a low cost, portable RFID reader with a vibration detection circuit to properly identify and determine touch interactions with a tagged object.

Design Concept

The piezoelectric sensor (bottom left) was used to capture the raw vibrations from the hand after touching an object. The low pass filter and op amp were then used to capture and amplify the signals of interest, before sending that data to the raspberry pi.
On the other side, the antenna (bottom center) captured signals received by the RFID tag and sent those signals to the ThingMagic USB Pro (bottom right), which decoded the data and sent the resulting object ID to the raspberry pi.

RFID Detection

The RFID reader detects communicates with tags through a process known as Wireless Backscatter

In this process, the reader sends out a carrier wave in all directions. Each tag contains a passive circuit which harnesses the power from the reader to toggle a switch. By toggling this switch, the tag can choose how much of the carrier wave is reflected. This creates the process known as modulation, where the tag adds information by modifying the carrier wave. The reader (in this case ThingMagic USB Pro) decodes the modulated waveform.

The antenna we chose is an omnidirectional antenna, which means the antenna transmits RF signals equally in all directions. The PI communicates with the ThingMagic Pro via USB, and can send commands to increase the power output to the antenna. This means we can increase the radius of transmitted power, and potentially capture more tags.
Therefore, we implemented an RFID range variation algorithm to decrease the power to only detect one tag, or increase the power until we detect only one tag.

Vibration Sensing

Since RFID is only good for object detection, we needed an approach to handle interaction without modifying the tagged object. For this project, we adopted the concepts used in VibSense, which takes advantage of a piezoelectric sensor to capture vibrations from a touched object.

The signals from the piezoelectric sensor are passed through a first-order low pass active filter with a cut-off frequency of 25kHz. The circuit was tested on an oscilloscope, and we determined that this was enough to visually see a difference between touching an object and touching something else (a surface or hand)

We intended on using a machine learning algorithm to properly distinguish between an object and non-object touch. Before this, we used the process of feature extraction, which involved converting the signals to the frequency domain via FFT where each frequency is a feature for the ML algorithm. We noticed a strong difference when comparing the amplitudes of each frequency component (shown below) between the object touch and false touch. This meant that a classifier should be able to distinguish these two as well.

After trying multiple machine learning models, we found that Support Vector Machine (SVM) with Radial Basis Function (RBF) classified between an object touch and a false touch with the highest accuracy.

Physical Implementation

The case was 3D printed to fit the Raspberry Pi and contain slots to fit a wrist band. The piezoelectric sensor was placed below the case, so that it could detect vibrations coming from the hand when it touched an object. The antenna was placed on top of the case, so that it could detect tagged objects without any object interference.

Future work on this project would include desiging a PCB to better fit the Pi and ThingMagic USB Pro in the case as well as a proper antenna mount.


After implementing the design and adding the machine learning algorithm, we tested out the embedded system and documented the accuracy of object identification and touch detection (shown after each video).

Single Object Touch

Accuracy: 92%

Two Object Touch

Accuracy: 96%

Touching on Different Surfaces

Accuracy: 92%

Distinguishing Objects Close Together

Accuracy: 95%

Also, to highlight the correctness and importance of RFID idenfitication, we attached the design to a cane to mimic a metal detector, and used it to see if we could find hidden tagged objects in the room. The video below demonstrates how RFID can be used to create a low power and cost-effective metal detector.


Special thanks to Youssef Tobah, who worked on this project with me, as well as Alanson Sample and the ISC Lab for their assistance in the RFID technology.